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MEI Awards Winners Product Detail

Selected Award Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge

Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge
Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge
Beijing Guoxinhuayaun Technology Co., Ltd
Electrical & Electronics
Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge was designed for the National Weather Service to provide a reliable, low-cost tipping bucket rain sensor. It has been update and improved with the addition of an inner funnel to even the flow of the rainfall into the gauge, providing better accuracy at higher rainfall rates. It simplicity of design assures trouble-free operation , yet provide accurate rainfall measurement. The rain bucket developed by our company can be embedded with communication module, supporting networking function, and can transmit rainfall data through NB-IoT, 4G network. Features 1) WMO standard bucket’s top diameter (200mm/8”) 2) High Accuracy 3) Good stability 4) Low resistance 5) Mesh in the funnel preventing debris 6) Highly polished stainless steel construction 7) Horizontal Bubble in bottom
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