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MEI Awards Winners Product Detail

Selected Award Insta-Oasis: Perpetual Solar Stiller

Insta-Oasis: Perpetual Solar Stiller
Insta-Oasis: Perpetual Solar Stiller
Tsinghua University
Consumer Electronics
Insta-Oasis is a portable drinking fountain that solves off-grid users who have difficulty obtain purified water through ultra-efficient solar vapor generation. Through in-situ purification, Insta-Oasis provides efficient and sustained distilled water drived by solar energy and the cost of 1Kg of purified water is only red cent. Innovation: 1. Bistable design for portable inflating and deflating, inflation model is used to improve performance, deflation model is convenient for storage; 2. Using graphene as a photothermal water purification material has the characteristics of high energy efficiency, long life and wide range. The graphene composite material is equivalent to a catalyst in the evaporation process, which reduces the enthalpy of evaporation by breaking intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The evaporation rate is one hundred times that of bulk water. The product form is involved into two states. The first state is cup-shaped storage, which is portable, and can be carried by the user in a backpack/portable. The second state is a pyramid cone, which floats on any water surface. Under the light, the water purification function can be realized. The shape of the pyramid fits the principle of photothermal evaporation, which can maximize the evaporation efficiency of the limited space. The transparent cone top is conducive to light transmission and stable center of gravity. The whole adopts the independent system of gas and water channels, which is convenient for stable filling and deflation and clean water collection.
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